Dendrobium torajaense

Tribe Dendrobieae
Subtribe Dendrobiinae
Scientific name Dendrobium torajaense P. O'Byrne
Synonyms Ceraia torajaensis (P. O'Byrne) M. A. Clements
Distribution Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Reference Dendrobium vogelsangii
Note Photos below are those of an orchid which was cultivated by Kyoto Botanical Garden and displayed as Dendrobium torajaensis. The name plate indicated that Kyoto Botanical Garden bought the orchid at Taklahashi Engei Nuersery. However, the name of Dendrobium torajaensis is not right. I suppose that the currect name of the orchid is Dendrobium torajaense P. O'Byrne. Also I think Dendrobium torajaense P. O'Byrne may be a same species or very similar species as Dendrobium vogelsangii P. O'Byrne. I have no more detailed information now.

February 2008
at Kyoto Botanical Garden
February 2008
at Kyoto Botanical Garden